Livro de Visitas

Data: 21-12-2020

De: IkserMi

Assunto: С Наступающим!

Здравствуйте! У вас отличный сайт, но я удивлен тем, что у него такие низкие показатели в поисковых системах. Почему? Да, скорее всего, из-за недоверия самих поисковиков к вашему ресурсу. А это значит, что на него очень мало ссылаются других сайтов. То есть, мало ссылок на ваш сайт. Я хочу вам предложить исправить данную ситуацию и проделать работу по наращиванию ссылочной массы на ваш ресурс.

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Работа займет примерно 1-2 недели, после которой вы получите долгожданный эффект, которого скорее всего еще ваш сайт не видел. Имеется в виду положительный результат, которому вы будете приятно удивлены. Я работаю на качество, как для себя и очень дорожу своими постоянными клиентами.

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Стоимость моей услуги составляет всего лишь 9900 рублей, но я готов вам сделать небольшую скидку, чтобы мы с вами подружились и вы заказывали бы продвижение сайта лишь у меня, так как я знаю в этом толк и у меня есть большой опыт.

Если вам интересно мое предложение, то пожалуйста свяжитесь со мной по E-mail:

С Уважением к вам, Вадим.

Data: 21-12-2020

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Data: 20-12-2020

De: RonaldGOK

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The coronavirus pandemic has studied universities to change-over to distance learning. community service essay student essays <a href=>parts of a thesis paper</a> provide a short essay on your experience and service to your curriculum and professional..
But what is happening in present can be called an crisis delivery of content to listeners in self-isolation . Most of varsities and the teachers themselves were not prepared for the transition to online. According to a 2019 HSE study, University teachers with an academic degree rate their level of proficiency in remote technologies at 3.2 points out of five. One in four persons has never utilized remote video services to participate in webinars or video conferences in the past three years.
But professors are not required to own online studying technologies. They were simply not prepared for this, although education and its new methods are the main function of universities. Try to oblige the surgeon to do their work from home. Let him explain to the patient via Skype how to remove his appendicitis. It sounds absurd. Therefore, the resourcefulness with which teachers adapt to the remote format is commendable.

Some of the time it gets funny. Colleagues from regional academies told that some professors asked to write lectures by hand and send them scans for according.In present, people communicate remotely in real time thanks to modern digital technologies, students can "raise their hands" with a single button, they can write with a finger on a tablet as on a blackboard, and they are told: "Please write a handwritten summary and send the scan." Or, for example, this case: a physical education professor asked students to shoot five-minute videos where they make physical exercises. Although remote physical education training can be more originative, for example, you can make a selection of ready-made videos on YouTube, find checklists in the public domain, and teach them to play sports online, while you can't go outside anywhere.

University educators are faced with a lack of guidance and problems in dealing with organizational matters. Some of them conduct lessons on Skype, someone -in Zoom, some of them only sends tasks to WhatsApp. Some professors record lectures on a webcam and send them to their students. The quality of such materials is minimal, and it is hard to perceive them. At least because the videos on YouTube, which students are used to, is shot and edited professionally and the viewer is spoiled by the quality of video materials.
There are also difficulties with monitoring attendance. Some professors ask you to put a " + " in the chat, others require you to turn on Webcams and take screenshots of students. Against the background of all the misunderstandings and difficulties, one element of academic life remains unchanged - assessment. Students don't study on campus, but they will get grades, even formal ones.
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Learning online from home does not have these disadvantages, because it is built on a carefully designed learning process in an electronic information and educational environment. Teachers have instructions, manuals, memos,checklists, templates for emails and notifications, and even presentations. Everything is thought out here-from the screen saver before the lesson to the slide with homework.

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